Title | LSX, LSCO and PwC Visit PTL 2020 |
Date | 2020.07.08 16:39 |
Lao Securities Exchange (LSX) and representatives from Lao Securities Commission Office (LSCO) and Pricewaterhouse-
Coopers(Lao) Sole Company Limited (PwC) visited Petroleum Trading Lao Public Company (PTL) on 08th July 2020,
aiming to exchange information regarding trading of PTL stock and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a listed
company. Moreover, PTL briefly reported on Good Corporate Governance implementation,Business plan implementation
2019 and Business plan 2020 of the Company.
Coopers(Lao) Sole Company Limited (PwC) visited Petroleum Trading Lao Public Company (PTL) on 08th July 2020,
aiming to exchange information regarding trading of PTL stock and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a listed
company. Moreover, PTL briefly reported on Good Corporate Governance implementation,Business plan implementation
2019 and Business plan 2020 of the Company.